Sunday, December 29, 2013
Be the exception
Some 5 years ago, I came across a Youngblood article written by a 25-year-old educator on her most important life lessons so far. The list is universal and written with an interesting amount of honesty that leaves some pain in your gut. Among all the items in her list, there was one that stuck with me. I wrote it in my planner, in my virtual post-it, in a real post-it on my office window. I’ve moved office spaces and even office buildings but it’s still there, written in a piece of yellow notepad, posted in my cork board. I will share it with you later on, of course. I might be building unnecessary anticipation here, since you might find the words so simple and somewhat conceited but I hope you find it inspiring in the same measure as I did.
Boys label girls. This is a sudden change of topic, I know, but I’m making a point, I promise.
So, boys label girls and one of the most popular ones I hear now is that HIPON vs. LECHON issue. Now the boys I don’t have time to contemplate on and try to understand where the name-calling comes from, but girls. Us, girls. What happened?
Girls are supposed to stick together. We aren’t supposed to tolerate this and weigh in on all the who’s-better -off pity party. Haven’t we learned enough from Cady Heron?
Calling someone fat, doesn't make you any skinnier.
Calling someone ugly, doesn't make you any prettier.
Calling someone stupid, doesn't make you any smarter.
Calling someone mean, doesn't make you any nicer.
-M e a n G i r l s
Instead of reassuring ourselves with 'hey, at least I have a pretty face,' or ‘at least I’m not fat', we should live these lovely words written by an equally beautiful human being:
“Dare to be the exception. Be beautiful, intelligent, sexy, funny and kind, all at the same time- and at stellar levels. Those who say that it cannot be done are those that have tried and failed. But that is their story and it doesn’t have to be yours.”
I know, I know, it seems like an impossibility to BE that kind of girl but we will all surely be better individuals if we just strive to be all that, and more, one day at a time. :)
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