Sunday, April 14, 2013

Yoga Love: Think Holiday

For some reason, whenever I had a rough day or week, I crave savassana (and comfort food, too, but I choose to deny it. Hee). Those few minutes of total surrender has the power to recharge me, sometimes even more than a weekend can. However, lately, I’ve been having difficulty quieting my brain in that moment. So many thoughts keep floating in my head and I couldn’t help but entertain the worries.

Last Monday, I attended a Jivamukti class. It is quite different from the usual flow session. A few minutes are dedicated to chanting and meditation. Throughout the class, I maintained my focus quite effortlessly. Yet, when the lights went off in time for savassana, I started worrying away. I thought about the things I had to do for work, the decisions I have to make, etc. etc. And then, I realized it’s a holiday the next day. Once I had a change of perspective, the worries melted away.

From that point on, I promise to savor savassana, live in that moment, like it’s a holiday tomorrow.

Sometimes, we can’t help but carry over today’s stress to tomorrow, and the next day and so on, creating a snowball effect. Eventually, minor troubles turn into this big, unmanageable burden.  

Like in savassana, I vow to try to leave each day’s worries before starting a new one. I would remind myself to rest like it’s a holiday tomorrow- always like it’s a holiday tomorrow.

Works on the mat, works in life.

Namaste. :)

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