Saturday, February 9, 2013
Yoga Love: Savasana
Savasana is music to my ears. After 45 minutes of moving in and out of
different poses, pushing limits in back bends and holding the twisted chair
pose for one more long breath, there is nothing more rewarding than lying
restlessly, eyes closed, letting go of everything. Actually, even without
the practice, just considering the day’s stress and anxiety, 5 minutes of peace
and quiet helps a lot.
However, the overthinking part of me feels frustrated whenever I catch
myself “not being present in the moment” during Savasana. Instead of keeping
my mind blank, I often daydream, or worse, WORRY. During last week’s gentle
flow class, Jill, our teacher, gave a reminder before we rest in Savasana. She
Meditation requires practice. Don’t beat yourself up if thoughts still
come up whenever you try to concentrate. Just don’t participate in them.
“Don’t participate”, what a wonderful technique.
The next time I find myself in Savasana, I’ll just watch the thoughts
fly by.
Works on the mat, works in life.
Namaste. :)
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