More than a month ago, together with friends and the boyfriend, I traveled all the way up north to visit Sagada. People say the place is such a heaven. I say, it is definitely THAT
and MORE.
Serving you spoonfuls of the adventure that was. These pictures save you 26 hours of butt-aching travel, but I tell you, you HAVE TO set foot in this paradise.
Half-way through the journey and you will be rewarded with the view of Banaue Rice Terraces. The picturesque view was enough to clear your mind and put you into trance but we were all bothered with one question: "Talaga bang 8th wonder of the world 'to? Inuuto lang tayo ng gradeschool teachers natin dati!" |
Elders gamely pose for the camera! |
All the assistance you need in Sagada, you'll find here. |
Making a mess in the boys' room because our isn't ready, yet! |
I just like this one. Heee. :)) |
Don't ever dare miss the Cave Connection! Ignore the blogs that will tell you it's difficult and you need prior spelunking experience to do it. Although they may have a point, ( it wasn't easy!) you wouldn't regret it, I assure you. |
Surprisingly fitting in all those cracks and small holes. Whew! |
5 hours after... WE GOT OUT OF IT ALIVE! |
Trekking to Pongas Falls. Not easy as it looks. Or does it even look easy??? |
Drink in the beauty of PONGAS FALLS. God is amazing! |
At echo valley, before we went face-to face with... (see below) |
The Hanging Coffins. |
Someone's pretending to be a natural at this. Tsk. ;) |
Good morning, Sagada!!! :))))) |
One of my favorite mornings in my entire life! |
The day we were set to leave the place was their town fiesta. Hence, the Coachella-vibe. ha! |
Looking all touristy.
Sagada possesses a certain charm that makes you fall in love with it instantly. They don't have malls and fast food chains and five star hotels, but the way the locals talk about this quaint little town, you will definitely feel that you missed a lot having grown up in the city. You will never hear them say it is better here than Manila or any other place, but they will tell you, with pride in their eyes, what this place can offer.
I don't have any word worthy enough to describe how happy this place made my heart. But this picture might give you an idea:
Such a happy little girl, basking in the coldness of running water. This is life. :) |
Sometimes, you need a few days when you are totally happy to be exactly where you are. Not because there's something you want to escape from, but only to remind yourself that:
to get to where you want to be, you just need to take the ride- no matter how long it may be. :)
# posted by Liana : 8:43 PM