Monday, May 21, 2012

A note from flight 5J571

2++ hours in midair.

I positioned myself comfortably in my seat while I breathed in the anticipation that a plane ride brings. When the seatbelt light turned off I put out the best weapon to fight boredom: Love, stargirl (a book). I was entertained by the obvious uniqueness of the character in the first book, Stargirl, that I had to buy the sequel. I giddily removed it from my unread pile  knowing it would be a treat to read this while on board.

18 pages into the story, I met the chatacter named  Betty Lou. She had agoraphobia or fear of the marketplace. But her fear is far beyond that. She is afraid of everything behind her front door. It wasn't explicitly explained what she feared about. DANGER, that was the only word used to describe it.

How ironic for me to read about this at the exact moment I am leaving the comforts of home.

Betty Lou is a woman who hasn't left her house in 9 years. 9!!! While here I am, undeserving to be called a woman just yet, but with overflowing eagerness to witness the hustle and bustle of this world.

I am in page 33 as I write this. Far from the ending. I still have more than an hour to kill in this flight. But I hope Betty Lou finds a way to get over her fear in the end. I hope she leaves her house. 

I hope she lives.

At the same time, I hope I love what I see when I land. I have a great feeling I will. :))

*written on May 16, 12:30AM*

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