Sunday, March 25, 2012
Sugarcoat Sunday no. 2
My virtual pile of work has been towering over my life
lately. Nothing new about having both hands full in this kind of job,
especially in this time of the year. But, the past week, I have to cut 6 hours
off my day and drain them away through traffic, never-ending bus rides and
lung-deteriorating pollution. In short, I was assigned to do fieldwork in
Marikina. So yeah, imagine Cavite to Marikina and back, every single day. Then, imagine how I will manage to finish everything I need to get done. Stressful!
The worst part about having to endure public transportation
for 3 hours (one-way) is having the time to think. I stare blankly out the
window and just think. No need for me to state explicitly what I worry about.
If you are a twenty-something soul, you know what I mean.
Tomorrow is Monday, meaning, I have to buckle up for mental
torture, once again. Hopefully, these kind and honest words will silence the
invisible monsters in my head.
Hopefully, they do the same for you, too.
An excerpt from ‘Why Being In Your 20s Is Awesome” by Ryan O’Connel:
We’re not stuck. Even if it feels like we are, it’s not true. We’re the opposite of stuck. As twentysomethings, we’re constantly moving — apartments, relationship, cities, jobs. Anything is possible. People are ready for you. They want to hear what you have to say. They look at you and are curious about what words are going to come out of your mouth. You’re the new generation. What do you have to say? Don’t bite your tongue. One day you’ll be pushed aside for a younger “fresher” perspective so you better get it out now. Make a mark. Make a stain. Make something.
I want to remember the fear, I want to remember the promise, I want to remember the nights I wanted to curl up in a ball, I want to remember the people I’m not supposed to remember, I want to remember not knowing myself, I want to remember the moment I started to feel safe and like this life I’m leading is really mine. I’m going to be scared, I’m going to bruise my knees and not know how they got there, I’m going to try to fruitlessly forge a connection with someone who won’t ever get it, I’m going to lose the person that means the most to me and find my way back to them. I’m going to be a twentysomething because that’s what I am and all I know how to be. And you should too. You should love every single moment of this hot mess of a decade. Chances are you’ll miss it before you even get to say “I’m 30.
Aahh, Mr. O’Connel couldn’t be more right.
Let’s not waste another precious day to useless agitation.
Cheers to being raw nerves, to speaking up, to embracing the
uncertainties and not rushing to get answers.
Cheers to being young and happy! :)
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