Saturday, March 31, 2012

Hate Management 101

I have been practicing a lot of hating lately. I hate my morning commute to Marikina; I hate the AC-less shuttle ride back to Makati more. I hate the smell of unused cigarette filling every inch of my client’s office; I hate the smell of unused menthol-flavored cigarette in that same place more. I hate the never-ending flow of additional work. I hate how a certain person handles business. I hate how I choose to react to things. I hate and hate some more. Even the boyfriend blurted out that he never thought he would see me this passionate about how I HATE things.

Realizing how unhealthy it is to nurture this evil feeling, I went to a place where I used to de-stress and release all the unwanted negative energy. TIMEZONE, where else?!?!?

3 levels of Hate Management

I tell you these are effective. No published research, yet, though. Someone work on it! 

Level 1: Basketball Shoot-out

Sweat all the hate out! And WIN!!! (Pardon our oily faces and that guy who posed like the winner. duh.)

Level 2: Go go ball

For more of the gigil factor, try Go go ball! Hit those sliding bottles, sleeping students and floating ghosts!

Level 3: Target Shooting

When the first two fail, pick up that gun and shoot them. Make sure the gun is pink, though. AND FAKE.

Spending an entire afternoon all hyper and sweaty with my buddy sure eliminated some of the hate in my system. Brighter days ahead, please!

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