Sunday, January 8, 2012

Love and Margarita

When I started taking up my Masters degree late last year I expected a mountain of additional work. I expected crazy schedules, shorter Friday nights and sleep deprivation. New friends? Not exactly part of the list. We are a class full of professionals with our own already busy weekday lives. I intended to make my way in and out of the classrooms as swiftly as possible. Ninja moves!

But then, this BusComm group happened.

Tuesday night dinner at Kitchen, Greenbelt 3

We are a bunch of fun-loving, crazy, sarcastic people. The picture above was taken during our first outside-of-school group meeting initiated by a “Let’s have UBE, groupmates!” text invitation. UBE stands for “ultimate bonding experience”, which was very fitting since we spent more hours sharing snippets of our personal lives than the actual finals presentation planning. The controversial topic for the night was, of course, love. We all willingly shared whatever's on top of our brains until it got too late we had to cut our bonding short.

Since we were all stressed out that night, we ended our UBE with a round of drinks.

A first for me

Our professor told us that the people we meet in her class will be the friends we will keep throughout the program. If she happens to be right, honestly, I wouldn't mind.

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