Sunday, September 18, 2011
Do something that scares (THE HELL OUT OF) you
This isn't the DAY 2 of Boracay entry I promised to write about. This is just a part of that part. Although, you can call this 'The Highlight', at least based on my side of the story.
You know that friend of yours you call when you need a little push? That's NOT me. I am the friend you call when you are hesitating to make a move and just need to hear someone tell you, 'Don't do it'. I am the friend your parents ask to 'watch over you' on night-outs. You hear me reminding the designated driver over and over to not drink more than 2 bottles because it's not safe. I am not up for breaking any rules, especially traffic rules. I play it safe. USUALLY.
You cannot bring me in a bar and expect me to drink more than I can handle (sometimes, even to drink, at all) just because it is crazy fun. You cannot put me in a wooden plank 45 ft. above see water and expect me NOT to jump, either. I'm crazy like that. :)
Ariel's Point, Boracay, August 13, 2011- The day I did the scariest thing I had to do- EVER.

2. The tip of the plank was the scariest place I had ever set foot on!
3. I stayed there for a minute, I think, contemplating whether I wanted to jump more than I was scared to get hurt. The answer's pretty obvious.
4. Did the sign of the cross and told God I still want to be alive after this!
5. Taking a step back before...
6. Taking the plunge!
7.-8. The longest 2 seconds of my life!!!
9. Last second before hitting the water, I felt my position change. I can still remember telling myself, 'This is gonna hurt.' The fall was THAT long!
If you want to see the video, watch it here.

Pardon my video snap-shooting skills. FAIL!

See that? Thumbs up for a hell of an experience! It hurt badly, yes. Like THIS bad:

The pain went away in hours, bruises faded out in weeks, but the satisfaction of knowing I was able to DO IT, that will never go away. It makes riding the highest, longest, fastest rollercoaster in the world seem easy. There you just have to buckle up, close your eyes and everything's out of your hands. In cliff-jumping, you have to do everything ON YOUR OWN. Telling yourself with finality that I am going to jump NOW and actually making that push, it is beyond liberating! It would be a lot easier, although more dangerous, if someone will just push you into the water. But no, you can't be a baby in there. You walk up there alone, you jump off it alone. Surely nothing like I have ever done before.
I may be the classic Kill Joy. I may be someone who always reminds everybody to be safe. That is because I don't want anybody getting hurt due to recklessness or stupid decisions. Although, jumping off a 45 ft. cliff is not exactly a smart thing to do. Oh well! No more contradictions. Let me just put it this way: Be safe in your daily routine and reserve your luck for some of life's grandest adventures! The heavens can't be too generous, you know. :)
There you have it, people (3 readers can be called people, right?); the scariest thing I've done- SO FAR.
'Til the next wicked escapade!
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