Wednesday, October 27, 2010
A Lifetime Present

Via Google Images
My dad has always been the spoiler when it comes to books. I have stacks and stacks of unread books at home just because he let me grab whatever I want in a bookstore. When I was younger, I had book phases. There was the “Im so curious about Atlantis” phase, the “I want to talk to angels” phase (I never finished any of those books), the “Chicken soup for blah and blah phase”, etc. But the phase that started it all was Kristy and her great idea. Yes, the Baby-sitters club.
The memory of my first ever book purchase is still very vivid to me. My dad and I were in National Bookstore. I was 8 or 9 at that time. He took a thick architecture magazine from the stand and handed me comics. I just stared at it. My dad noticed I wasn’t interested, so instead he brought me to the teens section. I get to bring home whatever I pick, he said.
When we left the bookstore, I was clinging to my very first Baby Sitters book. It was No. 4: Mary Anne saves the day. 3 days after, my dad asked why I was no longer reading it. I told him I finished it already. He asked me to tell him the story, so I did. My dad said I read pretty fast for my age. I thought that was something special; I thought I was the only kid who can do that. The next day, I asked my dad for another trip to the mall, picked my 2nd Baby-sitters club book and practiced whatever special skill I thought I had.
Three years and 78 Baby Sitters books later, I knew I have this perpetual love for written words and unscathed book spines.
Fast forward to today, I owe my dad whatever satisfaction, freedom even, I get from reading books. He was the first person who encouraged me to read and supported all my book acquisitions. He would never let some unnecessary purchase pass, regardless of the amount. But when it comes to books, he always gives the green light.
So now I have this little plastic to further my book shopping addiction, care of the guy who started this brilliant addiction in the first place. He surely knows how to spoil me, while staying true to his message of encouraging me to be financially independent. I just hope his next surprise will be a pair of those invisible book shelves I saw the other day. Although I know the hard part will be convincing him to drill holes in our walls, he can’t possibly say no to my sad puppy eyes and pretty pleases. Besides, book shelves are for books, right? So he is compelled, by the undeniable affiliation, to say yes. *wink*
I have one Baby-sitters club book though, I'm more of a Sweet Valley girl e. :D
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