Wednesday, July 21, 2010
A tick off my bucket list
Traveling out of the country with the boyfriend had been a dream for the longest time. I knew it was somewhere in our future. I just never predicted it would happen this soon.
With the astonishing view of the Giant Buddha as our background
Certainly, there will be more adventures in our future – be it in a nearby beach or in another country. But this trip will always be special, not only for it being the first, but because it was a taste of how it is to be truly independent together. It felt like a sneak peek into our future…..
… and I fell in love with what I saw.
You see, we’ve been together for almost seven years and yet we haven’t had an out of town trip together. It won’t be totally true if you count our recent Batangas weekend as that, which is also the first time we got to spend the night together- with other friends, of course. Not that we have no time for it or we’re not the type of couple, we just opted to obey my parents’ wishes. Ever since, we respectfully put up with their rules because we were sure, one day, they would give us back the same trust and respect we are giving them.
I think we finally got there. :)
Originally, I was set to travel with friends: 3 other girls and a guy. We booked our flights, reserved 2 hotel rooms and worked on an itinerary. A week before we were set to leave, something came up: my best friend couldn’t join us due to uncontrollable work issues. We were saddened; I was devastated. I never thought there was a Plan B written somewhere, all along. And that it would be perfect.
To cut the story short, boyfriend offered to take the spot. Since the plane ticket was non-transferrable and slots in our flight were sold out, he booked his with an international airline, costing twice as much as our tickets. I love him for it, but I love him more for getting my parents’ approval on something that big of a deal. Imagine, 4 days, outside the country and my dad said yes. :))

Certainly, there will be more adventures in our future – be it in a nearby beach or in another country. But this trip will always be special, not only for it being the first, but because it was a taste of how it is to be truly independent together. It felt like a sneak peek into our future…..
… and I fell in love with what I saw.
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