Sunday, March 21, 2010
Girlfriend Duties
Last Friday, he worked until 5 in the morning. Then, he reported back to work around lunch time, and was able to leave the office at 4 am the following day. I was cheering him up through text messages the entire time. And even though his replies were in high spirits, I knew he was terribly exhausted and only covering up so I wouldn’t worry. I knew there wasn’t anything I could do for him that time. So instead of bugging him non-stop, I thought of a grand plan on how I can, in a small way, reward him for being so hardworking. Two words came to mind.

I am not a big fan of action movies. The deafening sound effects give me headaches and the roaring shotguns make me palpitate. It is not, at all, entertaining for me, especially on the big screen. We’ve been together for more than six years and I believe we’ve watched, like what, 3 action movies. Although that’s not saying too much. We were never movie buffs, anyway. But during those times we made trips to a movie house, he would always let me pick which movie. And on random occasions I let him do the picking, he would intentionally decide upon a romantic comedy film, even a chic flick. He is very much aware I have low tolerance for massive explosions and dead, gory bodies magnified by the huge screen right in my face.
But what are migraine and palpitation compared to the boyfriend’s happiness? NOT A THING.
Surprisingly, I liked the movie. My heart still skipped a beat during complicated action sequences and visions of lifeless, bloody soldiers shook me a bit. But he held my hand the entire time and even embraced me on scenes I would rather not describe. I guess in the end, it was much more of a treat for myself than the boyfriend. =)
*i love you. another action movie date?*
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