Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Another Valentine's Day Story
After six Vdays together, I didn’t expect I would still have this boy-surprises-girl-with-flowers story to share. But it was my bad to underestimate my boyfriend.
We already had our official Valentine’s date the day before. We were booked for a tour in Binondo that literally drained all my energy, in a good way, of course. So Sunday was my only designated rest day. I woke up really late and even skipped breakfast to stay longer underneath the sheets. Warm and worry-free, I missed that feeling.
Early in the afternoon, I joined my parents in the kitchen for some snack when suddenly, someone came at the door. The boyfriend, carrying those beautiful pink roses.
I jumped out of my seat and hid behind my dad. I was totally unprepared, not to mention unbathed with my PJs on! And not those cute ones I reserve for slumber parties but the one I pull out of my dad’s closet, overworn, crumpled and covered with small holes all over. Totally unpretty!
From where I was standing, I could see that Keng was trying his hardest not to laugh, while I was, well, swept away. One look at those flowers and I knew he went all the way to Tagaytay, like always, to buy from the same flower shop where he bought the first bouquet he ever gave me. That was almost seven years ago. He is sweet and thoughtful like that. He doesn’t mind taking the extra mile to make me feel special, even on a random day.
Same flowers. Same love.Same Valentine.
Quick dinner at Yellow cab to end the day
Everday, I recognize how blessed I am that Fate was extra-generous to me and True love came like an instant delivery. I never had my heart broken. I never had nights of crying, asking why some guy had to cheat on me. I was never in the waiting list when it comes to love.
He is not my answered prayer because he came way before I had to kneel down and ask for the one. He is not what I dreamed of because I never really had time to visualize the perfect guy before he came along. We fell in love, even before we were fully able to grasp what it really is. We banked on faith, trust and respect. And, with young hearts and immature minds, we took on a journey of growing up together.
We haven’t looked back ever since.
Fall in love, stay in love and it will decide everything.
btw, your "keng" will find his way to you. soon. =)
keren! miss you too!
keren! miss you too!
anyway, belated happy valentines! nice to know you enjoyed your vday after all those toxic work days :D
i will love you more each day...
you're not perfect but you're the perfect guy for me.. and i don't even have to lift a finger to show it because you exert all the efforts to let it show... =)
i love you. =)
@caz: we were blockmates in dlsu. belated happy vday to you, too!
@vinchi: thanks for dropping by. i just read your latest post last night. =)
@tin: i miss you too! i want to follow your blog! send me your link. :)
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