Tuesday, January 12, 2010

These are a few of my favorite TWEETS

I was badly in need of inspiration (i.e. something to get me through my nth office overnight) when i decided to re-read some tweets. It didn't exactly finish the Income Tax Accrual for me, but I definitely got re-charged and re-motivated.

And yes, I was singing a la Sister Maria while typing the blog title.

Indulge on some witty bitty words, people! =)

After closing the doors that lead you nowhere, throw away the key! Because our tendency is to look back and regret

"Kung hindi mo kayang Mahalin, Wag mong Landiin!!!!" shet!! hahahaaa!!

Whatever the situation is ryt now, don't resist. Embrace it and you will find an opening to joy.

06/01 Don't allow routine to transform you in someone you are not.

writing for me is the ultimate girl next door & graphic design is that semi-famous girl you go to school with that you wanna hang with...

14/12 : if you have a dream, don't waste your energies explaining why

... The country is not a sandbox where you can pee anywhere you want. And mutilated bodies definitely do not equal knee scrapes.

05/12 Accept joy, even though you're afraid it might end one day

Sometimes, glass glitters more than diamonds because it has more to prove--from Dennis Garcia's FB poster

Cloning Confucius: If you quit your dreams, nobody cares, but you'll always know

"Work 8 hours, sleep 8 hours; but not the same 8 hours"

there is life beyond deadlines and excel spreadsheet templates

alexderossi: rip the universe in two, one for me and one for you.

Jump and the net will appear! That's faith. If it doesn't, you may discover you had wings all along.

Going to bed. Life is not the final match of the World Cup, but the daily crosswords.

Success as a musician never brought me anything better than I already had by being a musician in the first place. By the by.

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