Sunday, December 27, 2009
Tearful Joys
(Organizing my work files was what I meant to do so I ran through every single file in my desktop, when I came across this one. Aside from reminding me of the many wandering moments at work, reading it dig up a lot of emotions.)
…I answered the phone on its third ring. And on the other end, I received the most wonderful news.
… I almost cried in joy. Almost, because I tried my hardest not to let the tears fall. I was shaking, as if the nerves in my system don’t know where to put the overflowing joy, excitement and pure bliss. I scrambled some random words in my phone, hoping they will capture how I felt at that moment, even though I know head-on that would be impossible, and passed on the news to people who cared for us.
Not so long ago, it was exactly the same scene, only then I was the one receiving all the glory. But at that point, I never had the same amount of happiness; one that had a sense of finality because it wasn’t, yet, the moment to say, “we made it”. It wasn’t anything like what I felt today, more of just relief that at least, we are half-way through it. Then again, today, we made it until the finish line. And I couldn’t be any more proud.
I love how we get to share all these “big moments”, be extremely joyful, yet knowing this isn’t going to be the happiest of all. Because still, nothing, and I mean nothing, can actually beat the first kiss, the first exchange of I love yous. Amidst everything, we know the real things that melt our hearts. And they are not the titles and achievements. It’s the feeling of having someone to celebrate life with- regardless.

Hopeless romantics believe there is one point in every love story, where the prince will give a foot-popping kiss to his princess and fittingly, “happily ever after” will come into the picture. Realists say, at that same point, the curtains close and you never get to see how the princess turned into a green-eyed monster and the prince into a forgetful, average guy. I say this: there is no single moment for the perfect kiss nor the final closing of curtains. A real love story is filled with numerous “happy ever after”s, and a couple of closed curtains. The secret to a lasting love is hanging on during the in-betweens.

That day we shared another “happy ever after”, a picture fitting to be carefully placed into a scrapbook. But when that fades away, we retreat back to our simple way of loving each other; of holding hands and petty arguments and lost moments. We will love and hold- on and be happy silently, until the next big chance to surprise the world.
…I answered the phone on its third ring. And on the other end, I received the most wonderful news.
… I almost cried in joy. Almost, because I tried my hardest not to let the tears fall. I was shaking, as if the nerves in my system don’t know where to put the overflowing joy, excitement and pure bliss. I scrambled some random words in my phone, hoping they will capture how I felt at that moment, even though I know head-on that would be impossible, and passed on the news to people who cared for us.
Not so long ago, it was exactly the same scene, only then I was the one receiving all the glory. But at that point, I never had the same amount of happiness; one that had a sense of finality because it wasn’t, yet, the moment to say, “we made it”. It wasn’t anything like what I felt today, more of just relief that at least, we are half-way through it. Then again, today, we made it until the finish line. And I couldn’t be any more proud.
I love how we get to share all these “big moments”, be extremely joyful, yet knowing this isn’t going to be the happiest of all. Because still, nothing, and I mean nothing, can actually beat the first kiss, the first exchange of I love yous. Amidst everything, we know the real things that melt our hearts. And they are not the titles and achievements. It’s the feeling of having someone to celebrate life with- regardless.
We started young, with only hopes and dreams to shield us from the skeptics. Now, we have accomplished goals and realized ambitions that are far better revenge than shoving up a finger to those who overrate love. But more than ever, we are fired up with the desire to achieve more and turn into the best we can be. Because I have him and he has me, and as long as the world turns this way, we will never lose a pinch of giddiness and enthralling joy to live this life.
Hopeless romantics believe there is one point in every love story, where the prince will give a foot-popping kiss to his princess and fittingly, “happily ever after” will come into the picture. Realists say, at that same point, the curtains close and you never get to see how the princess turned into a green-eyed monster and the prince into a forgetful, average guy. I say this: there is no single moment for the perfect kiss nor the final closing of curtains. A real love story is filled with numerous “happy ever after”s, and a couple of closed curtains. The secret to a lasting love is hanging on during the in-betweens.
That day we shared another “happy ever after”, a picture fitting to be carefully placed into a scrapbook. But when that fades away, we retreat back to our simple way of loving each other; of holding hands and petty arguments and lost moments. We will love and hold- on and be happy silently, until the next big chance to surprise the world.
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