Tuesday, July 14, 2009

all things random

i've been planning to post about a loooot of happenings lately but my mind is too freaking disorganized to write about each of them separately, so i'll just post them in random.

1. im absolutely releived that i surpassed the board exams in one piece and with those 3 sacred letters attached at the end of my name. it was, yet, the most difficult thing i had to go through. but at least, 6 months of torture and 2 gigantic tupperwares of books later, it was over! finally!

2. last night, i went through my "college memory box" and i re-read a letter from Margot. everything she wrote there came true (graduating on time, passing the board exams, etc.) except for... our HK TRIP! arrrghh! we were supposed to leave right after the exams but monster AH1N1 attacked! so yeah, it was frustrating! soulmate, let's HK next summer!

3. it's my 8th day in SGV today and so far i'm having a really good time. i can seriously see myself establishing a career in this firm. and before you raise your eyebrows, im not part of te audit team. i'm with the tax group. so yeah, it will be manageable in the future. and by future... mmm.. you know what i mean. =)

4. my parents celebrated their 25th anniversary last month. =) i really admire them for staying affectionate and loving after all these years. i feel safer knowing that it still exists, you know? the forever thing.=)

and of course, this entry wouldnt be complete without me thanking my ever- dependable boyfriend. he had been there through every anxiety attack, every tantrum, every hassle, every unbelievably happy day.. just about everything! he even stayed with me and margot every night in starbucks while we reiview, just so he could walk us back to our place at midnight. sometimes, even past that. and now it's his turn to go thourgh the hell-ish and shaky 6- months of torture, i'll be there for him in the same way he was, and still is, here for me. i love him the greatest and im proud of him everyday..=)

visit HK when I'm there already *fingers crossed* :)
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