Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The World Doesn't Stand a Chance

Everyone, I suppose, aims to belong in a noble profession. Needless to say, I am working my way up to fit into one. However, whenever i tell people who I want to become in the future, I get the whys and huhs, rather than the oohhss and aahhss I expected. This got me thinking: what's wrong with becoming a lawyer?

Just this morning, I finally got my answer. I watched a replay of the Senate hearing in ANC. I watched renowned senators, mostly lawyers, in their holy seats, dressed in flashy suits and shining ternos. I witnessed them debate about issues which were (supposed to be) of national concern. However, what crushed my heart were the words that came out of their mouths. These people studied for years, analyzed thousands of cases, yet, they raise very shallow, even stupid, questions during the hearing. They don't seem to use what they know for their positions. Rather, they use their positions to determine what they should know.

Honestly, it was heartrending to see well- respected lawyers throw away years of hard word, years of idealism, years spent believing they could do good for this country, just for a pile of some dirty cash. If that's what it takes to become a great lawyer, sorry, I'm not buying it. From now on, I'll refrain from aiming to be a great lawyer; I'll be a different one, instead.

I know I can make a difference in this world.
I'm too young not to believe I can.

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