Monday, April 28, 2008


Why do bestfriends fight over a guy?

After watching One Tree Hill and Gossip Girl, I couldn’t help but ask that question. The Peyton vs. Brooke over Lucas and B vs. S over Nate seem too distant, since I’ve never witnessed such phenomenon in real life, and I also don’t see it happening to me- ever.

I and, my best friend of so many years, Pauline will never get into those I saw this boy first so his mine fights. We treasure each other so much to let a boy get in the way and, seriously, we’ve never caught ourselves checking out the same guy.

Practically, we have different, if not opposite, tastes.

Pau is usually into ruggedly good- looking guys, who have those I’m waiting for the right girl to change me image. While I, on the other side, have an intellectual man with a halo atop his head for a dream guy.

Pau’s taste usually sounds exciting for most people. And mine, is considered the lame one. Howbeit, lately, I guess I was able to figure out exactly why I’m automatically drawn toward smart guys.

I figured out that the reason behind my inclination over a brainy guy (I’ve already found him) is connected to my plan of becoming a housewife. I mean, I am attracted to someone smart, who has big dreams, because, all my life, I just want to be at the backseat, watch him win over his battles and realize his dreams.

In short, I want a guy who has the spotlight, then comes home to me when the lights are out.

Currently, both Pau and I are happily taken by the love of our lives.

She’s delighted to be in the muscular arms of her guy, while I’m swept away by the wit of my man.

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