Friday, October 13, 2017

The Biggest Surprise

Well, not really. 

I found out pretty early that I was pregnant- as in with a poppy seed of a human inside me- at 4 weeks and 3 days. But I already had a suspicion even before missing a period. I actually did take a pregnancy test and when it turned out negative (because too early!), I skipped work and acted like a sad puppy at home all day to the confusion of the husband. Hehe

When my period didn’t come as expected, and I never miss one, I took 2 pregnancy tests the following morning. I tip toed to the bathroom so as not to disturb the clueless husband. One turned out positive (very faint second line), the other negative. So I was having mixed feelings. I went back to bed but couldn’t sleep, so I went to the bathroom, picked up the negative PT in the waste basket to double check and, to my surprise, there were two lines! I was pretty sure there was only one 10 minutes ago! I didn’t want to get my hopes up so I decided to take the patient route, wait a few more days and just go to the doctor if I still don’t have my period by then. That night, though, I woke up to a very bad case of nausea. The room was spinning when I opened my eyes I couldn’t even leave the bed to pee! The plan to wait for a couple of days went out the window and I rushed to see a doctor the following morning.

Long story short, husband drove me to the office but I didn’t really go in for work. I took an Uber ride to Makati Med, saw an OB who, after making me take a hospital-grade PT (my 5th! Haha), was the first to congratulate and confirm that I was undoubtedly pregnant! Wooooooo!!! I called my husband and asked him to pick me up from Makati Med. I think he panicked a bit because he misunderstood me. He thought I was asking him to TAKE me to the hospital so he rushed to my office. I broke the news when we were already settled at the parking lot of a mall. His first words were, “Pwede ka naman maglakad, db?” HAHAHA

He refused to take me back to work after we had lunch. We took the day off, stayed home and just day dreamed about the crazy journey ahead of us. I still remember that afternoon vividly. After 14 years of being together, of being just us, we were finally, finally adding another member to our team. We are becoming a family of 3. Thank you, Jesus! We cannot wait!

*written on May 25, 2017*

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