Sunday, December 4, 2011
I do not have a Bucket List. If you count mental notes as such, then my blurry memory could pass as one. But every time I try to sit down and make one for real, I realize that a handful of items I would have wanted to do, I ALREADY DID.
Especially the crazy/dangerous ones.
But this, this I have to document. This one is too amazing I couldn't entrust this with my brain cells alone. People, sky diving still tops my mental bucket list (crazy edition), but my research tells me that I would have to go far, far away and make loads of money to afford it, which could be as difficult as mustering enough courage to jump off a plane. So, imagine my delight upon learning about this sky-rocketing tower in Macau (very accesible, right?) where people go to... BUNGEE JUMP!
We were having our lunch break. Seat sales were up in Cebu Pacific Air. We were scouting for the cheapest fares for our out-of-the-country batch trip in 2012. We found a reasonably priced trip to Macau. Macau-Hong Kong would be a good option. And then a friend brought up this a-ma-zing site for bungee jumping. A few clicks on the internet and we found out it was actually the second highest in the world! You see, this is the same group I rafted with and almost drowned in CDO and the same people who jumped off the highest cliff at Ariel's point, so there is credibility when we look at each other and say, "Game?".
2. Macau Tower, China – 764 ft (233 m)

Hands (and feet) sweating we watched youtube videos of people making the jump. I had mixed feelings of terror and envy! Man, they were badasses! If you want to watch the vid and see the other 19 amazing sites for bungee jumping, click the link below.
In the end, we didn't go for it. Most of us had been to Hong Kong already, so we went for other options. It might not happen next year, but surely, in this lifetime, I will visit Macau and jump off that freakin' tower! Hopefully, with the same bunch of crazy people. :)
That afternoon of planning and airline website hopping didn't go to waste. We successfully booked a flight... to VIETNAM! There may be no bungee jumping for us next year but we will set foot on the historical SAIGON and the majestic ANGKOR WAT! Ahhh, another tick off my mental bucket list!!!

See you next year!
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